16 noviembre 2006


Si existiera un concurso para premiar blogs/fotologs, en la categoría Mejor Título el ganador sería, sin duda, "Mientras tanto en Ciudad Gótica..." de Lucita. De ahí, este curso acelerado de Inglés, así que 100 años de perdón para mí. FOR IF THE FLIES: Por si las moscas. YOU HAVE ME TIRED, YOU HAVE ME: Me tenes cansado, me tenes. GO TO KNOW: Anda a saber. CATCH YOURSELF CATHERINE: Agarrate Catalina. YOU ARE TICKET: Sos boleta. LITTLE FEMALE GAUCHOS PACKAGE: Paquete de Criollitas. STAY FLY: Quedate mosca. THROW ME THE RUBBER: Tirame la goma. TO ANOTHER THING BUTTERFLY: A otra cosa mariposa. LIKE WHO DOESN'T WANT THE THING: Como quien no quiere la cosa. BETWEEN NO MORE AND DRINK A CHAIR: Entre nomás y tome asiento. I DON'T GIVE MORE: No doy más LITTLE POTATO FOR THE PARROT: Papita pa' al loro NOT TO HUNT ONE: No cazar una IT IMPORTS ME A HORN: Me importa un cuerno WHAT THREW IT: Que lo tiró WHAT A HANDRAIL: Que baranda TO MAKE THE DUCK: Hacer la Pata LET'S GO YET! : Vamos Todavía! I'M MADE BAG: Estoy hecho bolsa TO BE A DEAD LITTLE FLY: Ser un mosquita muerta ARE YOU DRINKING MY HAIR? : Me estás tomando el pelo? PUTTING WAS THE GOOSE: Poniendo estaba la gansa IT'S NOT NESARY: No es nesario AS BORING AS LICKING A NAIL: Aburrido como chupar un clavo BLACK MOTHERFUCKER THAT FUCKED US ALL: Menem How to speak Spanish There's always something to learn or to try, many times you need to say some phrase in Spanish, but you don't know how to say it, Don't worry, your problems are over, if you don't know how to speak Spanish, this will be helpful in your learning. For instance, we took from it some common phrases, just try and you're gonna see the difference and how easy is to speak Spanish: Boy as n r = Voy a cenar = I'm going to have a dinner N L C John = en el sillon = on the armchair Be a hope and son = viejo panzon = fat old man Who and see to seek ago = Juancito se cagó = Little John took a shit. S toy tree stone = estoy triston = I'm kind a sad. Lost trap eat toss = los trapitos = the little rags Desk can saw = descanso = (you) rest. As say toon as = aceitunas = olives. The head the star mall less stan dough = deje de estar molestando =stop bugging me. See eye = si hay = Is there? T n s free o ? = tienes frio = are you cold? Tell o boy ah in cruise tar = Te lo voy a incrustar = I'm going to insert it into you. ...y el mejor de todos: T N S L P P B N T S O = Tienes el pipi bien tieso = you have a bonner.

3 comentarios:

Braindrainer dijo...

aaaaaaaa que hdp
esta semana todo el mundo me robo de todos lados XD


Braindrainer dijo...

se cocinar pero si todavia tengo madre... que me cocine ¬¬

Braindrainer dijo...

un amigo me pungueo una foto de la cream...