30 agosto 2006


"Simple Together" Alanis Morissette You've been my golden best friend And now with post-demise at hand I can't go to you for consolation Cuz we're off limits during this transition This grief overwhelms me It burns in my stomach And I can't stop bumping into things I thought we'd be simple together I thought we'd be happy together thought we'd be limitless together I thought we'd be precious together But I was sadly mistaken You've been my soulmate and then some I remembered you the moment I met you With you I knew god's face was handsome With you I saw fun and expansion This loss is numbing me it pierces my chest And I can't stop dropping everything I thought we'd be sexy together thought we'd be evolving together I thought we'd have children together I thought we'd be family together But I was sadly mistaken If I had a bill for all the philosophies I shared If I had a penny for all the possibilities I presented If I had a dime for every hand thrown up in the air My wealth would render this no less severe I thought we'd be genius together I thought we'd be healing together I thought we'd be growing together thought we'd be adventurous together But I was sadly mistaken thought we'd be exploring together thought we'd be inspired together I thought we'd be flying together thought we'd be on fire together but I was sadly mistaken

4 comentarios:

Cereza Martinez dijo...

viste este game que salio? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDOJpS8BrFU
estoy a full con la PS2

Andriu dijo...

Lo jugaste ya? Que tan dinámico puede ser un juego en dónde vos sos un tiburón? Por ahi me equivoco...

Cereza Martinez dijo...

No lo jugué (todavía), pero ahora que lo decís, puede ser, es como un juego en el que uno sea el hombre-canasto. Cero dinámica. Pero teniendo en cuenta que comer para sobrevivir, sembrar el horror en la bahía y otras delicias, puede llegar a ser un game encantador.

PD: la verificacion de palabras siempre es genial, hoy me tocó suthhfr...

Andriu dijo...


Avisame qué onda. Lo único que veo asegurado es el olor a pescado.
