21 septiembre 2010


I AM NOT ALONE: Alguien que se hace las mismas preguntas que yo. Si bien no estoy de acuerdo con el approach del ñato, creo que las preguntas que hace son muy pero MUY acertadas.

" [...] Unfortunately, before man figured out how to be rational or peaceful, he figured out nuclear weapons." Bill Maher

"l certainly honestly believe religion is detrimental to the progress of humanity." Bill Maher

"l believe that God wants everybody to be free. That's what l believe, and that's one part of my foreign policy." George W. Bush

"You need a Holy Ghost enema right up your rear end!" Anonymous Nutjob.

"-l am Jesus Christ man, the second coming of Christ, l am.
-Not just because you have-- you share the name Jesus?
-No, not because of that.
-You also share the name Miranda. Maybe you're Carmen Miranda. Maybe the second coming of her? You should have fruit on your head, instead of fruit in your head." Bill Maher entrevistando a José Luis de Jesus Miranda (Portorriqueño que reside en Miami)

"-lt's a monotheistic religion, but there's three of them.
-Just like water can be ice, steam and water." Amusement Park Jesus.

"-A Vatican astronomer. lt's one of those terms like ''gay Republican''--
-lt's not that the church has the idea, you know, they're gonna train us up so we can be the first ones out there to baptize those extraterrestrials before the Mormons get at 'em."
[...] "The Christian Scriptures were written between about 2,000 years before Christ to about 200 years after Christ. That's it. Modern science came to be with Galileo up through Newton, up through Einstein. What we know as modern science, okay, is in that period. How in the world could there be any science in scripture?" Father George Coyne PhD

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